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Friday 26th January at 19:00
"Taxation for Doctors", David Giles, BOD Ireland
"Expanding the Role of Pharmacists - Tensions and Turf Wars vs building Trusted Partnerships", Kate O'Connell

Friday 23rd February at 19:00
"Medical Council Complaints Against Occupational Health Providers", Dr Deirdre Gleeson.
"Tríocha bliain ag fás - Thirty years growing", Prof Blanaid Hayes.

Friday 22th March at 19:00
"Neurodiversity and the Workplace: An Evolving Field" Maura Cagney
"Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" Dr Fionnbar Lenehan

Friday 12th April at 19:00
"The Interface of Plastic Surgery and Occupational Health" , Ms. Roisin Dolan
"Age Proof: The Science of Living Longer and a Healthier Life" , Professor Rose Ann Kenny
- 13:00 - Site Visit - Chanelle Pharma, Loughrea
- 19:00 - ISOM Reception followed by dinner
Saturday - 09:00 - 13:00
" Bugs, Bites and Parasites: Invastive Critters in Ireland and their Medical Significance" , Professor Michel Dugon
" Modern Healthcare Simulation in Ireland: The Direction of Travel" , Professor Dara Byrne
" A Saturday Morning Ramble through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" , Dr Pauline Whyte
- "Exploring the Impact of Energy Retrofit on Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants" , Professor Marie Coggins
Saturday - 20:00 - Conference Dinner, Moran's Oyster Cottage

21st June 14:30 - Site Visit to the National Stud
14:30 - Site Visit to the National Stud, Brallistown Little, Tully, Co. Kildare
Friday 13th September:
- 12:30 - Victoria Brewery, Azucarera, Malaga
- 20:00 - Dinner in the Terrace Restaurant, Malaga Palacio
Saturday 14th September -
- 09:00 "Role of Occupational Health in Implementing a Culture of Health from an International Perspective", Dr Shane Farrelly
- 10:00 "The Diagnosis and Treatment of a Data Breach", Comdt Dr Tom Branigan
- 11:00 "The Occupational Impact of Burnout and the Holistic Approach to Recovery", Dr Lorraine Brennan
- 12:00 "Occupational Medicine in Spain - History and Current Situation", Dr Alvaro Amo Vazquez de la Terre
- 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch in the Malaga Palacio
- 14:00 - Guided tour of Malaga
- 20:00 - Conference Reception and Dinner in the Los Patios de Beatas

12th October - ISOM Black Tie Gala Ball 2024
Royal Irish Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire
- 19:15 Drinks Reception
- 20:00 Black Tie Gala Dinner

14th November - ISOM AGM and Final Lecture of 2024
- 18:30 - ISOM 2023 Annual General Meeting.
- 19:30 - "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare", Dr John Sheehan
- 20:30 - AGM Dinner.
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